Review That Book Wiki
Review That Book Wiki


The plot is pretty stupid looking back on it, as it mainly revolves around "The Cheese Touch".


Honestly, every one of the characters is kind of unlikable, Greg is a jerk, Roderick is a moron, Manny is a Gary Stu, the parents are buttholes and Rowley is a cloud cuckoo lander.

Holding Up[]

There are several things in the book that don't hold up due to the book trying to be "modern times" by 2007 standards, like Roderick being the most 2000s metalhead you can think of, hosting "practices" in his basement (garage in the films), the party invitations done via manually calling every person instead of texting the links, etc.

All In All[]

This book is really not as good as I remembered, some moments are really dated, several characters are unlikeable, and the plot is pretty immature. But hey, it isn't the later books...