Review That Book Wiki
Review That Book Wiki

This page is a combination of multiple support pages that aren't "help" but still are nice to have around.


You may be looking for a similar glossary. This one is a limited glossary for common Literature terms, whereas the other is a glossary of wiki terms.

Many answers are best described by TV Tropes.


Official facts about a series, based on what the writers/creators decide. As opposed to fanon.


"A book or set of books giving information on many subjects or on many aspects of one subject and typically arranged alphabetically." Or, just think of Wikipedia.


Fan based information about a book that is not officially acknowledged by the boom's creator(s). This site is considered fanon, as it contains many "facts" about characters and their books differently than their creators officially recognize. As opposed to Canon. See the related word fan theories.

Fan theories[]

Guesses by fans about the facts of a boom. Notably, this category contains conspiracy theories, and many as wildly incorrect as often as it is unusually right on.


RTE stands for Real Text Editor; The default visual editor here.


Information that gives away details about a plot before the user experiences or finds out in the story. Usually "ruins the ending", as this information may reveal who dies, who wins, and what the epilogue explains before the reader progresses to that point.

Need to Know (N2K)[]

Need to Know is a section (which may become its own page if it gets big enough) where users can post videos, links to their favorite books, and links to other places that are very relevant to the wiki that everyone should see. This section is closely monitored to make sure that the stuff remains relevant. And these aren't ideas, they are inspiration!

Discussions on similar topics:



Related YouTube clips here! Also, TED videos are allowed as long as they relate.

  • TED videos. Talks done by people who think a lot. There are a couple on video game related topics, like the ones below:
  • Youtube. And you can even show those here!


You want series? How about a free emulator? Virtual! You may even wish to enter the Konami Code on this website!



  • Amazing articles: (please be aware that Cracked is an adult humor site. Viewer discretion is advised.)

Web Comics[]